'Origin' collection outlines
Last updated
'Origin' collection outlines
Last updated
Who are The Cloudsmen, or Cloudyfolk, elusive Cloud-fellows and ladies living a spirited, balanced, free and breezy, rustic kind of life, in harmony and interconnection with their sky domain...
See also: Synopsis and Core Values....
They are the folk of the sky. They dwell high up in the clouds and are a bit like farmers or shepherds of the sky, moving between them. They keep the clouds forming and freshening up the air, flocking them together with their canes for turning over and cleaning the air.
They are a temperamental clan; passionate, creative, proud and free. They are always inspired by something and are very protective about their clouds.
They don’t like to remain still very long; they’re a busy folk and very creative. It's a world up there of imaginative potential, including gadgets and gardens which best serve the clouds. [Promotion of ideas like: diverse agriculture, sustainable hunting and gathering, permaculture farming, growing, foraging, re-using and re-cycling). They never venture down below because if they did they would begin to lose energy, spreading out and thinning into the air.
Maybe you’ve seen a rainbow before? That is their art - creating rainbows - mixing water and light(?). Underlying message: Look up to the Clouds, where there are always ideas and silent music playing...
The Cloudsmen are a clan, loosely controlled by King Cumulus and his Queen in the slowly moving CloudCastle Cumulus. They are loyal but also independent, so therefore are always falling out with one another, fighting (harmlessly since they reappear elsewhere when thinned) and then realising their own faults and making up again…
The clans have separated. But… things are changing. Climate. The clans must unite to produce more clouds and help share their values with the 'down belowers'... (?)
King Cumulus (Cloudfellow) Has a number of different Cloud Canes for punting and jumping between clouds. Can get angry and summon a storm. Is clumsy and is always falling down the Castle Cloudstairs.
Queen (Ac)cumula (Cloudlady) The true ruler of Castle Cumulus. She also loves caring for the cloudanimals and likes to feel she is creative, but everyone agrees she's much better at more practical matters.
Head-Chef Cumulo (Cloudfellow) Is known for his famous Storm Broth and Brews which help keep everyone warm. Sometimes works with Nimbo to produce a large storm.
Nimbo the Storm Chief (Cloudfellow) Rounds up clouds into thick bands and reports to the King regularly. Always trying to make rain, because unlike everyone else it cheers him up and he loves the uniform order and sound of rain. However he also loves bigger storms and gets all excited for a new chance to show off. Each storm is like an art and he strives always for bigger and better ones.
Flo (Floccus) the Cloudy Dog (Cloudanimal / Nuage-rie) Works with the King occasionally on sky patrols and helps Nimbo round up clouds into storms. Leaves a trail of ice crystals behind her.
Cirro & Kirra : Artists and Bards (?) (Cloudfellow and Cloudlady) Music and Art is their thing, cheering everyone up and dispersing clouds. They hate storms and rain.
To create a story/character etc. idea, explore the synopsis and NFT list with characters and concept art, Core Values, Types of Clouds, Highlanders background etc....
A Storm in the Clouds: conditions across the sky are getting too hot and all the clan are feeling lethargic, uninspired and short-tempered. The king is advised that a large storm is at last required to bring back excitement and thus commands one. 'The storm-turning' begins, where everyone is tasked with rounding up clouds, turning them over and bringing them together for 'a big one'. A celebration afterwards requires that Cirro and Kirra are found (hiding from the storm) to help out. A message about 'balance' in all things... not just while cloud-riding.
Christmas at Castle Cumulus: preparations for a proper Xmas 'ceilidh' are underway. The king must find a juicy cloud bone for Flo...
A Meeting in the Clouds: a clan meeting at the Cloud Table (?) decides that someone must try to contact a 'down-belower' in a mountainous area in order to spread the message concerning disruptions to the formation of clouds across the sky. Kirra and Flo volunteer for the secret mission.